Monday, March 30, 2015

You Are A Mighty Warrior Course to Be Repeated at Real Life Church, Sacramento

Hello Mighty Warriors,

We will be repeating YAAWM later this summer. Even if you took the nine week course, you are welcome to take it again! Let me know what days or evenings are best for you.

Keep after it!  Let me know if you have prayer concerns. 


Friday, March 6, 2015


You are holy and without blame before Him. 1 Peter 1:16

Stop saying you aren't worthy.

All the self-talk about your unworthiness is an insult to God Who made you.

Stop buying all the lies and start believing the Truth of what God says about you.

Your healing comes when that seed of unworthiness is completely destroyed.

Speak the "Who I Am In Christ" list (see below) over yourself in times of discouragement. When overwhelming depression begins to suck you under, pray! Speak in tongues if you can. THIS IS HOW YOU WILL PUT ROUNDUP ON THAT SEED OF SELF-LOATHING.

This is the pesticide you need to kill the cancer within your soul.